Introducing the Yoto Player

Introducing the Yoto Player - Why and Whale

SAVE 10% OFF your Player during Black Friday!

Apply code: YOTOBF22. Ends 11/23/22 

Essentially,The Yoto Player & Yoto Mini are small Bluetooth box players with a card slot. You buy cards individually and stick them in the slot to play. 

No microphone. No camera. No ads.

Yoto Player


“Great for around the home”

Our award-winning audio player fills your home with inspiring audio and lets kids lead the way. It’s the heartbeat of the family home.

Kids from 3-12+ use physical cards to explore the best audiobooks, music, activities and educational audio.

Yoto Mini

“Great for on the go”

The audio companion for every adventure, putting the best of Yoto in the palm of kids’ hands.

Yoto Mini feeds creativity and imagination, letting kids explore the world. Yoto cards work with both players, making it easy to be on the go with your favorite audio.

YOTO VS. TONIES: How are they different?

The Yoto player is about the same price, however, the Yoto Mini is less ($69.99) The Yoto cards end up being cheaper than the Tonies figurines. This is mostly because the Yoto cards come in big packs with lots of content while some of the Tonies don’t have as much content for the same price.

The material of the box is another big difference. Tonie box is padded (ok to drop) while Yoto player is hard plastic.

The Yoto Player has a nightlight function, which the Yoto Mini and Toniebox do not. The Yoto Player and Mini have small retro style graphics.

 *pictured are my very large adult hands :)

The figurines vs cards is a big difference, too! Remember you will have to store a bunch of figures vs a stack of cards – which could make a big difference on a plane or car ride!

Tonies come in a LOT of colors while Yoto is more simple grey, but has optional Silicone jacket covers.

Also, Yoto has a lot more content to choose from for the older age groups. 

Personally, I would choose a Toniebox for my preschool age kid AND/OR a Yoto Mini for my 6-12yo. There is definitely room for both in your home if you can swing it.

 Questions? Please write to us and let us know how we can help you!

Save 10% off your Player!

Apply code: YOTOBF22. Ends 11/23/22  


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